#Warriors4SSR this is a Thread 🙏🏽

I spent a majority of my day doing research on cases like #SushantSinghRajput’s & found what’s happening in #India isn’t an isolated incident.

#Warriors4SSR #JusticeForDisha #JusticeForJiah #AgeOfAquarius
This is happening in other parts of the world. In #Japan there have been a series of apparent suicides.

#harumamiura #takashifujiki #akirakubodera #yukotakeuchi all found dead under mysterious circumstances.

#Warriors4SSR #JusticeForDisha #JusticeForJiah #AgeOfAquarius
In South Korea, several KPop artists & Police officials are under investigation on charges of Drug Trafficking, Women Trafficking, forced Prostitution, Rape of women & Minors, distributing Pornographic materials.

#Warriors4SSR #JusticeForDisha #JusticeForJiah #AgeOfAquarius
#Warriors4SSR it’s time to get acquainted with how big this problem is. It’s no more about one country. All of this is Interconnected.

This behavior pattern, oppression of #DivineFeminine attacks on her independence

#Warriors4SSR #JusticeForDisha #JusticeForJiah #AgeOfAquarius
#Warriors4SSR we must be ready to fight this Global Phenomenon.

Many people’s lives have been sacrificed. No part of the world is safe, but we need to make it Safe.

#Warriors4SSR #JusticeForDisha #JusticeForJiah #AgeOfAquarius
#Warriors4SSR equip yourselves with knowledge. Understand what’s happening. It’s time to Stand up!

It’s time to take back our Planet from the Cabal. It’s time to bring back peace & equality for all.

#Warriors4SSR #JusticeForDisha #JusticeForJiah #AgeOfAquarius
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