This is day 2 of me being 48 so I thought I'd arrogantly share 48 pieces of wisdom I've learned asking the way, to patronise you.
1. You don't know when you are going to die but every day you are one day nearer to your end.
2. Your life can change in a moment and it's usually totally outside of your control.
3. All problems can be fixed except for the death of someone close to you.
4. You can never have enough money to be happy.
5. Being poor, particularly in debt, is stressful.
6. You are insignificant. Most people do not know, nor care that you exist.
7. Most events in your life area transactional. The other party rarely cares about your feelings so stop taking it personally.
8. You are in control of your own story. Do not let facts get in the way.
9. No-one truly knows what they are doing or who they want to be.
10. You can do anything you want, within reason, although you may not do it well. But all yourself. Does that matter?
11. Is someone attends your funeral on the basis of what you did for a living, they are there for the wrong reasons or you have failed.
12 It's ok to say no. It's often the best option.
13. Don't be afraid to say yes just because something scares you.
14. You know when you are doing something that is wrong and will hurt someone so try and stop and don't do it. Apologies never erase the memory or how you made them feel.
15. Don't do things just to please others. If you are a good person, this will happen naturally.
16. Always thank people.
17. Always pay people as soon as your are able.
18. If you can help. Try and help.
19. Listen to people.
20. Take your litter home.
21. Recycle, reuse, or sell whatever you no longer need.
22. Try not to shout.
23. Don't be a bully. Not always easy.
24. Ring people. Nuance gets lost in messages.
25. Stop worrying (as much)
26. No one truly had friends, just acquaintance with different perspectives on their relationship.
27. You will never regret spending time with your kids*

*Only partially true
28. Getting drunk isn't all it's cracked up to be.
29. Procrastinating isn't a sin.
30. Preparation is the key but sometimes it's good to busk it.
31. Sometimes someone else's opinion is correct and you should listen.
32. Often it is not but don't waste your time worrying about it or trying to change it.
33. Most people are racist, they just hide it well.
34. A lot of men are misogynistic, they just hide it well.
35. I've met more amazing women then I ever have amazing men.
36. Incredible people rarely door about it.
37. Mediocre people make the nicest noise.
38. It's all about who you know.
39. And if you know no-one, then you must be in the right place at the right time.
40. Qualifications are largely meaningless.
41. You cannot measure your success in trinkets.
42. The answer to the ultimate question of Life, The Universe and Everything.
43. We will never have driverless cars.
44. You cannot sail directly into the wind.
45. Your football team will always disappoint you.
46. Your children are amazing.
47. WE are society.
48. People rarely take your advice.
49. An edit button on Twitter for typos is overdue...
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