It‘s really important to manage expectations when it comes to vaccination against Covid-19: It will reduce mortality and limit the spread of the virus. Unfortunately this is only true _after a sizeable portion of the population has been vaccinated! Counterintuitively as soon as
vaccination begins, harder lockdown measures need to be put in place to counteract undue optimism due to a false assessment of the situation and thus a lower overall compliance. This is forseeable and it will happen, if not managed properly. Clearly communicating to the public
that vaccination is a months long process, positive effects of which can only materialize weeks later should be as important as enforcing compliance in high risk areas and for high risk activities. Especially the first weeks after vaccination starts will be crucial because of
immunization rates will be close to zero, yet euphoria among large parts of the population will be at a high. We can still beat this virus and protect everyone who hasn‘t been affected yet! But
this is a marathon, and we‘ve only just completed the training and now everyone is waiting for the start signal. Let‘s imagine the road ahead to make it across the finish line without further injuries! 🏁
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