My brother fought in Iraq. He did two tours in Fallujah, in 2004 and 2005.

I cannot go into detail about his experiences. But that war caused incalculable pain for so many people. Learning about the horrors of war directly from someone who has been there is enough for me. 1/4
To know why we really went there. To find out we were lied to by leaders in both major parties and the media. To see the pain and loss etched in the faces of veterans, families, refugees, and children over seas.

It is all too much. We cannot keep on like this. 2/4
It is impossible to articulate just how much... the world deserves better. The Peoples of the Global South especially deserve better. Our citizens at home deserve better. Our poor and working class children, who we send to the rich man's war, deserve better. 3/4
Better is possible. Do not let anyone tell you different. We can make our country work with its neighbors to help heal the generational wounds to our humanity, to our planet, and to the many species precariously clinging to existence. I have to believe it. 4/4
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