The rally tonight was brilliant. Did you catch what was happening?

Essentially, Trump laid down a million tons of pressure on the Senators, the Gov, the SoS, the Minion, and anyone else involved in the fraud.

But, he's also given them a choice.

Let me explain.
Trump comes out and immediately starts praising the Senators and talking about the "socialists taking over the country if we don't elect them", yadda yadda yadda...

He repeats all the same talking points the GOP has been flooding the media with these last weeks.
But if you think about it, these talking points are moot. Trump is playing the game.

Do you really think the good guys would allow the fate of the country and WTP to rest on the outcome of runoff election for 2 feckless, spineless, corrupt GOP RINO Senators?

Not at all.
Remember: the goods guys caught them. They captured all the evidence they ever needed.

At any time, Trump can invoke the Insurrection Act, layout the case and clean this all out. Military planning.

But it's not time for that yet.
So what does Trump do instead?

He comes to GA for a rally, gets all his followers fired up, tells them they should all vote in the runoff, and smiles at the Senators.

He then proceeds to list out all the unsealed evidence of voter fraud in GA on camera with millions watching
Right in from of them, Trump painstakingly walks through every piece of evidence he can. Taking his time to slowly lay it all out.

At this point, if you're one of these GOPers who were involved in or knew about the fraud, you're saying to yourself, "Oh sh*t..."
Trump was letting them all know, with a giant lion-sized smile, "We caught you."

He was showing them all the evidence to tell them there's no getting away with this.

Trump may lose in the corrupted courts, but he's always got that handy Insurrection Act in his back pocket.
Trump was playing the part of the friendly GOP team-playing POTUS on stage while simultaneously putting them ALL on notice:

"Either work with me and gain the support of the deplorables, or fight me and face the consequences on your own."

Message sent.
The best part was the Senators coming on stage after watching all this and only managing to eek out a few weak sounding phrases.

Translation: They're sh*tting their pants.

F'ing brilliant...

Man I love this movie.
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