So, rewatching the sequel trilogy of star wars, and well just hearing all the complaints people had about it in my mind as I'm watching it and well, I'm now realizing the answers were just clear as day to so many of the problems people say they had. 1/?
I'll try to go through these in order and I'll start with the obvious one. Finn was black, he was a stormtrooper. Yes, stormtroopers can be black, they can be women, they can even be some aliens.
But more importantly, resistance can be black. Jedi can be black. 2/?
I definitely think there were plans to make Finn more important, become a Jedi and be trained by Rey, but that's kinda besides what we're talking about now. 3/?
Okay, so the REAL first issue that I think some people had was BB-8 having only a piece of the map to Luke, but then finding out at the end that it was literally just like a puzzle piece that they put into the whole picture of the galaxy. 4/?
People wondered why can't they just find luke from that small piece? But here's the thing, space is fucking ginormous. Plus 3P0 goes on to explain that the Resistance doesn't have all the information about the piece that they have. 5/
This is a direct link to Episode 2 when Obi-Wan couldn't find Kamino even though he had it on good information that it ought to be in a certain part of space. If you look closely the piece they have, shows a path, a course that's been charted. 6/
Now if you've got a piece of a space map that says "I went here," and the destination leads to nowhere, you are totally in the dark. Space is FUCKING HUGE, and it is exceptionally easy to get lost in it, even in Star Wars. 7/
The Resistance literally did not know about Ach-To, the planet Luke was hiding out on, and they didn't have enough information from the piece they had to really be able to calculate or deduce where exactly Luke could be hiding. 8/
The Resistance had probably spent years combing different parts of the galaxy, but it would have taken millenia to ever find Luke. The First Order had even more information about the region of space, but their focus was unbalanced. They were fixated on finding the destination. 9/
Hopefully that's clear and explains why this is still decent story telling and not a plot hole.
Moving on. 10/
The next problem that people have is with Starkiller Base as a concept. Some people felt it was too close to the original trilogy and that it just wasn't a good idea to retell it. 11/
Here's my opinion though: Starkiller Base was made on Ilum, seen only previously in Clone Wars. It was a place where younglings went to go and find their lightsaber (kyber) crystals with Master Yoda. 12/
The death star used those crystals too to power it's main weapon. But Starkiller Base is powered by both the remainder of those kyber crystals AND the energy of a nearby star, literally draining it into dust. 13/
This weapon is also magnitudes more powerful. It took out core worlds of the New Republic in an instant sending the galaxy into a frenzied spiral. Planets spin, it could eventually wipe out entire swaths of the galactic population in record time. 14/
This weapon clearly had to be stopped and while the weakness was the same (probably unavoidable I believe when powering weapons of this magnitude I imagine), the whole base had impenetrable shields. It was quite literally unstoppable. 15/
There's more here, but I wanna talk about a different issue people had first: Rey's """sudden""" ability to use mind tricks on storm troopers 16/
At first glance, I can see why people would be bothered by this but unfortunately the beat is almost missed entirely I think here. You see, Kylo was trying to use his mind-reading ability on Rey to find the place where Luke was hiding. 17/
But you'll recall, Rey was very quickly able to turn that back on Ren and leave him shaking with "You're afraid you'll never be as strong as Darth Vader!" She saw right into his mind as he saw hers, and he opened those floodgates. 18/
It's only logical that she would be able to see what else Kylo Ren was capable of, what else he could do. And low and behold, mind tricks were one of them, probably undoubtedly taught to Kylo Ren as a young Ben Solo by Luke himself. 19/
See? Not so sudden now, huh? It's very subtle, and admittedly the Last Jedi probably explains this for some people, but I'm just throwing it out there to be explicitly clear! 20/
Takin a break from the thread, but will come back to this, almost done rewatching. There are definitely more points to address I'm sure. 21/
YES, okay back at it! Going back to disabling the shields for Starkiller Base: you'll recall Finn is able to hold PHASMA at gunpoint to disable those shields, a bold plan indeed, but some people actually took issue with this. 22/
Their argument was "If Phasma's so badass, so strong, why is she lowering the shields and not just blasting these guys? She trained Finn, she's got that armor and staff, why isn't she doing anything?" 23/
Before you say plot armor, there's actually a really, really good explanation I'd like for you to hear out. There is in fact only one reason, ONE (1), reason why she is shaking in her boots, doing what they tell her to do. 24/
True, she did train Finn, she probably didn't care about Han being some old spice runner, but there was one creature there that had to have terrified the absolute living shit out of her that was pointing his bowcaster right at her buckethead. 25/
Yup, Chewie. She had to have had a deep, unbridled fear of Wookies, and you know what, knowing what I've heard about wookies being able to rip arms off and eat people. If I were Phasma, I'd be pretty dang scared too! 26/
To be fair, this isn't explicitly stated in the film, I get that, but I think it is strongly hinted at, and even noticing Chewie's bandaged arm, it is completely unfair underestimate Chewie's abilities. Phasma was playing it a little bit smart, admittedly. 27/
Okay, I have to back track a bit because I missed a few things. Kylo Ren's outbursts. Kylo Ren not needing the mask... I'm gonna try to rattle these points out. 28/
Look okay, Kylo Ren is a very angery boy and we don't really know why in The Force Awakens, but I think we do find out later, and we can make a few guesses from this and some outside canon material. 29/
First of all, dialogue is everything in these films, you must hear the words fully and completely. Kylo Ren knows somewhat about who his grandfather was. He was probably gatekept from finding all about who he was, but did have some knowledge. He wanted to be like Vader. 30/
He knew to be Sith meant to be angry, and we cannot underestimate Ben's strength in the force. He is the son of Leia, Luke's Sister. Grandson of the chosen one. He is unbalanced, completely unbalanced because things are going wrong. 31/
It is well within the sphere of human psychology to fucking break shit and scream and yell when dudes get angry, regardless of age. Infantilizing him isn't totally fair because grown ass men do this in the real world. It's highlighting something here. 32/
And as for the mask, being like the grandpa is one thing, BUT! Huge but here! And this is even disclosed by Snoke subtly. The Knights of Ren wear masks. Kylo is not the only knight of ren, and basically none of the other knights need their masks. It's part of their creed 33/
Snoke ORCHESTRATED the knights of ren, this is illustrated in comics, and again subtly suggested by Snoke when he says the line "Not even the knights of ren have been challenged by the pull to the light" Paraphrasing a bit here, but that's the context. 34/
Well and really it's haven't been challenged by their parents to be pulled back to the light. And some people will highlight Snoke teasing Kylo for wearing a mask in TLJ. 35/
This actually pisses me off because nobody sees what's happening there. Snoke is fucking GASLIGHTING Kylo Ren right in that fucking moment. He tells him to wear a mask because the knights of ren tell him too, and then says he's weak because he wears it. 36/
I'm getting a bit ahead of myself here, but like fuck, I needed to say that. Kylo Ren is fully aware he doesn't need the mask, he's strong enough without it. He does it because he threw in with the knights of ren okay? He made a choice. 37/
Takin an among us break, brb! 38/
Alright! Picking right back up and I think we're coming on the end here for TFA. So currently Finn is down and out with a slash on his back from Kylo. Han is gone. But wait Rey suddenly picks up the lightsaber using the force? 39/
Well, see my earlier tweets about this, but look at her face after she gets the lightsaber. Her face tells me she doesn't understand fully what she's doing. Her face tells me she did not know she had such power, but she wants to avenge now. For Han, for Finn. 40/
Another complaint people seem to have about this fight sequence is that Rey is just too skilled at the lightsaber technique, and she's never even held a lightsaber. 41/
So again, she peered into Kylo's mind, it is entirely possible that she is anticipating some of his moves, understands some of his technique, but look okay, she's clumsy af. She's doing everything she can to run from him, plus the planet is crumbling. 42/
Kylo is also weakened don't forget. He's been shot by Chewie. She ends up doing a number on him, I agree, but she might have been outmatched had he been 100%, had she not peeked into his mind. 43/
Also I think some people took Snoke's comment of "It's time to complete Kylo's training," to mean that he shouldn't be skilled at a lightsaber, but that is 100% not true. We've seen plenty of Jedi on screen who are not yet masters, but still good with a saber. 44/
Okay quick one, some people apparently didn't like the way that Starkiller base exploded? It was a minority of people, but like it made complete sense for it to be a star because again, Kyber Crystals, and I suspect the planet's core still has at least some. 45/
Ahhh, and now for the grand finale, the biggest one yet. And yep, I'm gonna justify it. Leia hugs Rey and not Chewie. 46/
Walks right past her and she him. I think there was a deleted scene of her hugging him, but you know what, let's say that stuff isn't canon either. 47/
Chewie just lost his best friend. He's lost friends before. Yoda in the Clone Wars, presumably many wookies when the separatists invaded, and now Han. He is in a daze. He is lost. He is wounded and hurt. I feel for him so bad. 48/
Leia knows Han is gone, and you know what, a wookie can ask for space. But more importantly, Leia goes right to Rey, never takes her eyes off her. You know what, Leia knew what Kylo Ren knew. Rey thought of Han like a father. 49/
Kylo Ren even explicitly states this, and then murders him after. Leia never takes her eyes off Rey. She knows that Rey looked up to him. That Rey saw him as a father, and Leia loved him. Why shouldn't they hug? That's a hard fucking loss for anyone. 50/
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