It's Finnish Independence Day, and it's time for nationalists to remind people that it's imore than a flag filter on your profile pic or tweeting some platitude about war veterans.

Being a Finn is our unique identity, and as all previous generations did, we must preserve it.
Despite being a small people of 5,5 million people, a Finn can easily be told with a gene test from any of our neighbors. We are a moment in a continuum of thousands of years of Finnish tribes living on this land and improving it for the next generation.
We're not, and we should never be, grey, multicultural globohomo mass. If that's what we become, Finland will cease to exist.

The state of Finland is an institution, and its foundation is the Finnish people. No nation without a people, no people without a bloodline.
For millennia, Finns built this land in harsh conditions and laid foundations for our current comfort and stability.

We have no right to give their work away. Finland is not ours to give to anyone - the EU or strangers - because it's only borrowed to us for our lifetime.
We are not just individuals floating around. We have roots, and those roots bring us responsibility to take care of what we were given, and when the time comes, hand that heritage over to the next generation in an improved state, not spoiled.
Many gave their lives to secure our independence, and platitudes about veterans and fallen heroes aren't true respect for their work. That true respect is shown by valuing what they fought for and holding it as our most precious treasure.
So on your country's Independence Day remember the generations that came before you, worked for a better life for you, and understand your role in this continuum. You have roots and meaning. Cherish your identity and work to pass it on to the next generation.

Long live Finland!
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