We are use to US propaganda but this is the worst:
1.-Maduro was elected democratically. The fact that Venezuelan opposition did not participated in 2018 elections (following Washington's orders) doesn't change that.... https://twitter.com/StateDept/status/1335366383039877122
2- Guaido's self-proclamation was the one that was illegal because there was a legitimate President (more than 6mill voted for him) running the country and the Venezuelan constitution mandate a very clear succession path that BTW has VP first in line in the case of succession...
3- No one -in or outside Venezuela- have seen the alleged 1,3 billion dollars in help (maybe their paid Venezuelan extreme right politician have). But that number in nothing in comparison with the more than 40 billion dollars that the US have still from Venezuelans...
4- US sanctions are crimes against humanity because they do not affect government officials as this third class bureaucrat says. Regular Venezuelans are the ones suffering for the US sanctions. In the middle of Covid-19 Venezuelan authorities have shown more concern about its...
...people than the US government on its own people. 867 death per million inhabitants in the US vs. 32 in Venezuela says a lot about what country care the most about human rights. All this in the middle of sanctions and US military aggression...
5- They talk about a "global coalition" of 60 countries supporting Guaido when in reality only 7 countries have officially break diplomatic ties with President Maduro's administration and have recognize Guaido's "diplomatic envoys". Not to mention that this coalition have been...
...manufactured and "pushed" by the US.
6- Since when Washington cares about the wellbeing of Venezuelans or anyone? Everyone knows that the only thing that moves Washington interests is money and they just want to put their hands in Venezuelan oil and gold...
7- The US have put in motion -even before Maduro- regime change operations to regain control of Venezuela. That won't be allowed by us, the millions of Chavistas that are going to vote tomorrow in our parliamentary elections and are willing to give our life to remain an...
...independent nation.
8- 2 years of failed -US sponsored- Guaido regime change operation should have teach you a lesson. But everything indicates that in recent years there is a deficit of brains in Washington...
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