Dems in NJ feuding over whether 3 Dem counties should continue to jail immigrants for ICE thru big $ contracts. THREAD: Last month Dem Hudson County exec @TomDeGise & freeholders gave ICE a 10-year extension. Now @SenatorMenendez--a Hudson County Dem--calls that "blood money" 1/
Booker doesn't call for Hudson, Essex & Bergen counties' detention contracts to be cancelled, which they could be. Still, county-level Democrats are incensed at the public rebuke from Booker and Menendez. Hudson Freeholder Vainieri says it's "infuriating," via @HeinisHardNews: 3/
Thing is, when Booker ran with Hudson County Dems last month, Vainieri et al were still planning to end contract by 12/31/20. Hudson switched positions, suddenly, 2 weeks ago. And tho Vainieri says activists don't speak for most, all 150+ who spoke at meeting opposed contract. 4/
Here's a thread from @mrjoeltorres, one of the 3 freeholders who voted against Hudson's ICE contract. He said he was blindsided to even find it on the agenda for the meeting. 5/
So far @SenatorMenendez has last word. He pushes back on the Democratic Hudson County leaders -- his home base! -- in this statement, saying they "chose to ignore the fierce objections of county residents." The public nature of this feud is unusual. 7/
Classic pugnacious Jersey/Hudson County talk here from Dem county executive, saying "this is MY party." Of ICE Protesters, he says: “I’m the nicest guy in the world, but if you want to pick a fight with me, you won’t have to look hard. I’ll be here.” 10/
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