Twitch Etiquette Thread
- Don't mention the amount of viewers
- Don't ask how many raids/gifted subs the streamer has gotten
- Don't announce you're leaving to go watch another streamer
- Don't say things like "Well *this streamer* did it this way" when they are playing a game
- Don't self promo and announce you're about to go stream
- Don't ask "Follow for Follow"
- Don't sub to them if you're going to say "I've subbed to you, now you have to do *this*
- Don't break their chat rules
- Don't backseat unless they ask for help
- Hit the follow if you enjoy their content
- Socialize or lurk (honestly, we appreciate both)
- Welcome in raiders on the channel you're watching
- Join communities and have fun
- Always thanks someone for gifting you something (aka use your manners)
- Host if you like their content
- Have fun, enjoy, and respect the streamer and everyone else in their community.

When you do the "Don't" section, you risk getting called out, banned without warning, and may lose the ability to be a part of something amazing
You can follow @Keys8815.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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