The world is terrible and everything is awful and you know what we never ever talk about and absolutely should?

Toto's 1982 music video to "Roseanna"

Going into this video you need to know that the star is played by Cynthia "Penny Was the Entire Point of Dirty Dancing" Rhodes

There is so much more here than just that but it is very important we pay our respects
This was also me, in 1982, any time I was put in a dress
Absolutely know that Cynthia Rhodes is a goddamn professional and if Bobby Kimball moves his head and blocks her background choreo she will MAKE IT WORK
You also need to know that this video features a gathering of dancing "street toughs" because it's 1982 and that was a REQUIREMENT for videos in 1982
1982 was just like this entire thing and no one knows why

Narrator: Everyone knew why

(pictured Michael Jackson's 1982 Beat It Music Video)
Alas, we are not here to talk about the homoerotic feast for the eyes that is the Beat It music video. We are here to talk about the Rosanna music video which now that I have starting making gifs from Beat It, I can see that this is probably a mistake.
Meanwhile, Rosanna is able to maintain a strictly... whatever it is that is happening here
It soon becomes clear that the estimable Rhodes has a plan - she is building to something and we the audience need to TRUST HER
She spins off into infinity as she sets the wheels in motion
In the absence of their guiding force the street toughs flounder - what can they do? What is their purpose?
Where do they put these new and confusing emotions? They are full of confusion and questions
Important questions like: is Patrick Swayze about to make out with this dude?

Is this what happens when "Rosanna" is gone away?

I did not edit the speed of this scene in anyway. This is how it aired.

I mean I get "West Side Story" influenced but I mean. COME ON LOOK AT HIS HAND
Having fulfilled the prophecy, Rhodes returns and the spell is lifted and everyone goes home to have sweaty questioning dreams about Patrick Swayze taking off his letterman jacket
The sheer dominant power of this queen, you love to see it
I'm gonna tell my kids this was "Red Shoe Diaries"
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