Today, a mother called the station saying her son is in the ICU at a local hospital. After a 30 minute interview with me, she said her son has spina bifida hydrocephalus, is paralyzed from the waist down, and has a seizure disorder. She wanted
to be by his bedside. Due to the COVID-19 spike in the metro area, this hospital updated its visitor policy. The mother was told by a hospital employee that they do not allow any visitors at this time. I wanted to look more into this, so I called and emailed the hospital's PR
department. Since Tuesday, this mother has not been able to see or talk to her son who is intubated. After writing a story about her situation in hopes of sharing she's not alone, the hospital contacted me saying there's been major miscommunication. Despite cutting off visitors,
there are exceptions which include caregivers/parents of people with special needs. The mother and son are reunited in the hospital tonight. I have no story to air at 10pm, but the push for answers helped identify a mistake and make it right.
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