Questions people have:
-why won’t anyone criminally charge the people doing sedition?
-why is the government letting us starve?
-why is the government letting the coronavirus spread?
-why won’t the media hold anyone accountable?

All these questions have the same answer.
-why didn’t the CIA stop 2016?
-why didn’t the FBI arrest Epstein decades earlier?
-why did the New York Times run 100 HRC email stories and zero stories about trump Epstein in 2016?
-why did CNN give trump unlimited airtime in 2016?

All these questions have the same answer.
What are the odds that every single piece of our government and social infrastructure successively failed and brought us to this very moment by accident? Every single one.
The institutions have consistently failed to help us, if not have acted directly against us, since 2015 and this is a symptom of a larger problem. Any forecast which relies on the institutions functioning flies in the face of the evidence accumulated thus far. So what’s going on?
You can follow @benFranklin2018.
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