Some facts on COVID in the GTA and our response:
In the GTA hospitals run on average with 95% capacity with many running at over 100% capacity (what we call hallway medicine). This is especially true in winter months.
On average 18% of beds are used by patients discharged medically but awaiting a home (LTC, hospice etc). This is 'ALC'. This is about 5000 hospital beds being used as temporary homes for mostly frail, elderly people often with some form of dementia.
In the GTA, due to fear of Covid we had a huge decrease in hospital beds allocation from March-June for multiple reasons.

1) the hospitals offloaded a remarkable number of ALC patients (over 2,000 in Ontario somehow found beds).
What we saw afterwards was anecdotally sicker patients coming in with delayed presentations, cancer migrations and a decent amount of self harm/mental health crisis/addiction related admissions.
Currently, there has been no change in non-elective admissions into hospitals yet hospitals are still becoming full. The admissions are actually down compared to previous years at this time maybe due to less flu or peoples fear of presenting.
So we don't have more people coming into hospital. We have less people leaving hospital. In actuality, our admissions for respiratory illness is down this year compared to 2019.
Hospital are full because of our inability to discharge patients. After the spring decline we are now worse than we were in February with a record ALC numbers with over 20% of hospital beds being used by patients who are discharged but have no where to go.
Additionally, I have seen many patients refusing to go back to their LTC/Retirement home because they are locked in their rooms without visitors. They want to stay in hospital because they see nurses, physios and we allow some family to visit.
IMO lockdown measures have only acted to worsen hospital capacity & will cause further capacity issues moving forward more delayed presentations cancer migrations, delayed elective surgeries leading to emergent treatments and increased obesity and addiction within the community.
Now with massive spending programs, decreased tax revenue and no way out i fear for the needed social services our community needs.
I hope we can respect COVID while investing in where the problems lay. Invest in LTC and home care capacity. Invest in improving hospital capacity. Do our best to protect our vulnerable but respect their humanity while avoiding the harms of lockdown
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