When I say Fandoms are the missing link when it comes to "Wokism", there's a reason for it. It came out of Fandoms, not Universities/scholarship.
This is a huge factor in most of this stuff. Those 'kids' have grown up and gone into the real world. The University system gave them the bullshit degree that their customers wanted, without the foundational grounding required for this type of thinking.
Example: Understanding Plural Point of View helps you to understand how Wikipedia and got captured as they grew into adult roles:

To understand where this has shifted... you have a generation of people for whom PPOV/deconstruction was the default and "facts" were at odds. This is why you can't argue with it. Facts are a viewpoint, not a fact. Their brains are scrambled.
Which do you think is true? A global conspiracy coming from the Frankfurt school to get us all into communism (lol)? Or, Fandoms fucked up the heads of young brains that were too young for deconstruction? And corporates saw an opportunity.
Now that I identify as he/him, surely people will treat my analysis as a credible diagnosis of the problem by an actual professional and not just an opinion. Snort. I await the credit...
Culture wars bros talking about Fandoms and claiming it as their IP in 5...4...3...2...
So, because I simply don't have the ability to get my book finished at the speed I want, I am drip feeding bits and pieces on video and here...

Start with "What is a Fandom" on Wikipedia. Heh. Sorry but I have to stupid paid work :-/

Wokism is NOT Postmodernism. It's not even Critical Theory, although that is the broad school that has been built as a side effect of demand for this type of enquiry. But it started in Fandoms and had kerosene poured on it by corporations.

Trump was the match. Kaboom.
Please do watch my videos as I go deeper into this stuff. I spent several years trying to diagnose it so we can understand how to move forward. I'm going to work on this as much as I can around my other work and hopefully get a book finished someday.
Now, the thing that is worrying is that this is more imprinted in heads than people realise. How the hell we prevent the material damage that comes from this... that's a holy shit balls situation. It's like "how do we convince someone God isn't real". It ain't gunna happen.
My point is that a) you can't beat 'Wokism' with debate b) it looks political/academic, but it's more social psych/emotional/spiritual c) it's probably here to stay & it's now about harm minimisation, not defeat.
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