a primer on SIMPLE opsec for rich twitter dudes, internet conservatives, and people that other people are jealous about in general

a small, actionable thread that could save you from….

…a dox in the best scenario

…or getting robbed at gunpoint in the worst case scenario
number one:

stop talking about your money on the internet.

you will never see a dashboard screenshot for me.

the dopamine hit from the validation you’ll get is not worth attracting leeches disguised as fake ppl or ppl that want to take your money
number two:

have a different phone number and email for socials, everything if you’re paranoid.

for twitter, sign up for http://anonaddy.me  (thirty bucks per year) and http://juicysms.com  to get anonymous relays

juicy is hit and miss u can cop a prepaid sim too.
number three:

most twitter hacks happen to either credential stuffing or bruteforcing passwords.

if your password looks like “sex123lol” you’re gonna get btfo’d easily.

generate a 32 character, case sensitive, number and symbol including password
to generate passwords and store them in an encrypted manner, http://bitwarden.com  offers FREE generation and storage of secure passwords.

you can carry them in your phone, chrome extension or whatever because they are stored “encyprtedly” in a cloud
sign up using a gmail alias that forwards to your true email to have an account.

it should look like this:

[email protected] ➡️ [email protected] ➡️ bitwarden
if you sign up for anonaddy (which i highly recommend) set it up like this

[email protected] ➡️ [email protected] ➡️ websites and services
never use relays for banking and shit. use a normal gmail/outlook address that forwards to your true email.
always enable 2FA because phone code validation is easy to exploit.

you can clone a sim and gain access easily. although i doubt this will happen to the average ba$ed nigga every W you take could manifest more and more ruthless rivals.
number three:

wipe yourself from the internet as much as possible.
go to google dot com and paste every email address you use.

on every website you show up, if you don’t use it anymore, go ahead, request a password change and spoof-delete
not every website will honor a full deletion so this is what you need to do:

login/password change ➡️ spoof data with random shit (name: peepeepooppo country: pakistan) ➡️request deletion
use anonaddy to replace ur email with a throwaway which you can disable later in the dashboard.

this means u cant be traced back by normal means and any email u get will bounce
this works beautifully for sites that don’t want to delete your account for datamining purposes or whatever
number four: disconnect all apps from your socials
i can bet $10 that you have shit like “how much is your account worth” plugged into your twitter via API calls

many credential stuffing attacks work by abusing them and/or pulling email/pw combos from leaks found in sites like nulled dot to
example: you have logged into. club penguin with your acc

1. hacker goes to script kiddy site and looks for a dump
2. hacker finds dump
3. hacker parses text
4. hacker finds you
5. hacker discovers ur dumb as used the same info for twitter facebook pornhub and linkedin
go to haveibeenpwned and input all your addresses. spoof/delete on every website you show up to minimize breach risk.
6. doxxed and/or hijacked

very simplistic overview but what matters you need to sever every authorization u give apps and shit.
number five: stop posting your life

i see dudes post their wives and kids like we lived in a happy positive wholesome world without toxic demons.

my nigga people will harass you for having the wrong opinion. don’t ba a retard. and remove that trump flag from your yard.
number six: spoof everything that is not important

sign up for emails? anonaddy email
random ppl ask you what do you do? u work in construction
service asks for number? second simcard
u need to give out address? use a physical relay, institutions dont like poboxes
but you can rent out a private postal box. look into it bc i don’t remember their names.
number seven: vpn or no vpn?

i will say yes. chances are u don’t need it but if you want that extra layer of cybercomfort go for it.

i use expressvpn and im happy with it. $99 for two years.

use it if your ISP directly shows ur geolocation. my ISP doesn’t
number eight: practice stealth wealth.

do you really need to post that rolex?

muted items are better anyway (see: brunello).

that loud ass $200 gucci tee is trash quality and they know it bc losers acting rich don’t care.
number nine: bitches.

we have to talk about them.

fake name, fake age, AND CONDOMS i dont care what you say

we live in an era you need military opsec to smash hoes bc they out here giving MeToos like it was Xmas
the only real thing u should be giving these hoes is the misogyny shoutout @GBHOnTheRun

also send hoes a text and take screenshots for plausible deniability

sounds goofy? consider the fact that the law favors females with no evidence needed.
number ten: random pointers and tips
-privacy screens in your windows, phone and laptop
-noise cancelling headphones
-theftproof luggage
-a fake ID (i have one for the luls)
-having common sense and not being a dopamine whore chasing likes
number eleven: do you need to go full opsec and install linux and shit?

no lol that’s severely autistic.

unless you’re snowden you’re fine with apple everything

just apply the above and you should be fine
if you’re a billionaire heir or some shit look into professional security consulting, this is a mini thread for my boys who keep stacking up Ws
plenty of other things you can do, and i highly suggest you look into it

cool resources:

the bazzell books
sun knudsen in youtube
oh and PURGE YOUR SOCIALS you don’t need to be in every social network.

and unfriend people you haven’t spoken to in a two years.

change your number. buy a forwarder if you want
i want to be left alone maybe you do too.

hope this helps

don’t forget to SMASH that like button!!!!
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