1879 new COVID cases in the last 24 hours.
I don’t believe the measures we currently have in AB are strict enough.I don’t expect them to make enough of a difference.Our healthcare system is overstretched,people are getting redeployed,staff-to-patient ratio is worsening #abhealth
@CMOH_Alberta was saying it can take 1-2 days before people get tested when they have symptoms and then 2-5 days to get results. And it takes 5-8 days after exposure to show symptoms, so current numbers would be people that got exposed before the current restrictions #abhealth
Say somebody got exposed nov 29 (day before the majority of restrictions were enforced).
Let’s say it took 8 days for that person to show symptoms, so that would be December 7. Then take 1 day to book into swab, that’s December 8, and then 2 days to get result.
That would make it December 10. And likely it could be till December 13 or 14 to still have those peoples results reflected. So in theory, we wouldn’t be seeing actual reflections of the “measures” till week of December 14
Having said all of that, I do not believe the current measures will make enough of a difference at all.
The problem I see is that if we wait till the week of December 14 to enforce more stricter restrictions, we are going to see even more hospitalizations, ICU admissions, and deaths that could have been prevented if we act now.
And we must ACT NOW. #abhealth #ableg
And if government still does not want to mandate a lockdown for 28 days for the entire province of Alberta, they should at least mandate this for the high-risk regions ( #yeg and #yyc). #abhealth #ableg #hcsmca
LOCK IT DOWN. And lock it down NOW.
Every day we wait is another day of lost (and tragically altered) lives.
#abhealth #ableg @DShepYEG @shandro @jkenney @RachelNotley
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