ranking too by how easily i could take them in a fight from easiest to hardest
10. jaeyun
he wouldn’t hurt a fly and i wouldn’t hurt him. we’d hug
9. jerome
jerome is a pacifist but he also seemed rlly happy to give the other members electric shocks so idk
8. jeyou
he would give his best effort but i am powerful and he is short
7. jisu
see; jeyou
6. minsu
is short but could definitely scuffle with me if he wanted to
5. woonggi
do not underestimate him
4. chihoon
do not underestimate him.
3. chan
could do some serious damage but i don’t think he’d want to
2. kyungho
see; chan
1. donggeon
possesses the strength to crush me like a beer bottle and break my bones. can also outsing me. he have seen his abs i do not want to risk my life i’m tapping out
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