Some background information on the book. It took the best part of a year to write, including numerous meetings with Laura, a drive to meet Jim, conference calls to Pat Lee and messaging with Dave. Three offers of proof reading, a substantial rewrite and last minute corrections.
Five publishers were approached. All turned down the book. No publisher will offer to print all subject matter, so an author must find publishers who will take on the book based on the content. I wanted a Scottish publisher for obvious reasons. None would.
The book was almost shelved permanently until I was told about a number of other Yes authors who had the same issue. The ONLY viable option was to use "Kindle Direct Publishing", which before Amazon bought the company, was known as "Lulu". KDP's publishing criteria is quite open.
Just how much does the book make then? The £7.99 book costs 3.23 to print, about a pound to pack and ship from Poland, about a pound goes to the publisher- thats me, and every penny received had been donated. The rest is Amazon profit for paying their staff in Poland.
The Kindle version is 50% Amazon profit, 50% donated to Scottish Indy Media. So what do I get out of it? Financially it has cost a year of my time, and over £300 of my money to produce. There was never an intention to make a penny out of the book.
It was always planned as a vehicle to fund an alternative to the Scottish MSM - their sole purpose is to bring Scotland down. So if you're havering about buying it, I hope this thread has changed your mind. Thank you.
The colour images is significantly more expensive because KDP prints the entire book with colour ink. So that's the reason it costs £21.99. It is otherwise exactly the same book. This can be found at  the same donation amount applies.
And if anyone is looking for someone who knows Adobe Indesign and Photoshop (which is how this book was created), please drop me a line.
And for a final bit of amusement, all published books have to have a copy sent to the Scottish Library, British Library, plus universities in Oxford, Cambridge and Dublin. You've no idea how it feel to have a Pro-Scottish anti-union book in the British Library ;)
So if you're interested in a biography of Independence walkers hiking around Scotland, warts and all, you know where to look. Happy to receive any updates for an updated edition.

Saor Alba!
Incidentally, the first month's profits was donated to @iScotNews. I've just made a donation to @broadcastscot for the second.
Next donation will go to @IndyLiveStream
You can follow @500MilesBook.
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