‘The Pandemic has been hitting us hard for 340 days now. We’re still arguing on Twitter with Covid deniers. Windows suddenly tweeted to say masks don’t work, but he’s an idiot. Nobody trusts anybody now, and we're all very tired. There's nothing more I can do, except block more.’
‘This Covid is pure nonsense. It doesn't prove a thing...’

‘I thought you'd feel that way, Garry. You were the only one that could've spread it to us after you joined the idiots who gathered outside Harrods this weekend. We'll do you last...’
(Palmer starting at BBC news this morning) ‘Oh you've got to be f***ing kidding!’
‘I know you Covid deniers have been through a lot. But when you start sticking to the rules, I may not have to spend another winter STUCK AT HOME WATCHING CHRISTMAS TV!!’
‘That's what Covid WANTS! To pit us against each other!’
‘You guys gonna listen to Gary? You gonna let him give the orders? I mean, he could be asymptomatic...’
‘Childs, Mac wants the vaccine!’

‘Mac wants the WHAT?’

‘That’s what’s he said, now MOVE!’

(Muttering) ‘Dammit...’
‘Anybody coughs on me, and we go!’
‘Childs, we’re going out to give Blair the test. If you see him trying to make his way in here without a mask, and we’re not with him - burn him...’
‘Where are we goin’?’

‘Up to my shack’

‘What the hell for?’

‘’Cause when I left yesterday, I forgot to sterilise the light switch...’
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