(Thread). 1/ A number of people confided in me this week abt their emotional state, "massive" depression this year, "anxiety," "lack of emotional bandwidth," worries abt a loved one's mental state, or their own. A surprising number, but not at ALL surprising either.

Let's talk.
2. There is absolutely NOTHING weak about you if this year has gotten you down or if you're struggling. We all are. You're not alone.

And you're most certainly, whatever that voice in your head is telling you while you struggle to function, pretend, or keep the mask up.
3. You would be crazy if you were NOT impacted by everything this year. List it all out and then tell me if any of this is normal. It's not!

So why are you judging yourself by "normal" standards in the midst of a perfect storm? Why are you being so critical about hanging on?
4. We're all just barely hanging on by our fingernails, you know. Some days are better than others, some days are pure shit where it's an effort to do the basics bec. you're so exhausted, mentally and physically.
5. Don't think others aren't struggling. Some people, like me, for example, are just really phenomenal at keeping up the mask and stiff upper lip. But we all hide our grief, frustration, fear, anxiety, anger, or other emotions to some extent. We don't want to upset loved ones.
6. So, you're not alone, weird, abnormal, weak, or anything else that you're using to lash out at yourself.

You're HUMAN.

You have value. You're unique, uniquely you. People love you, even if it doesn't always feel like it. And there are so many others like you out there RN.
7. One thing I hear again & again from friends who have gone through hell and back in the past and still again now is this perception that they're failures bec. of their continued struggles, that they're broken and always will be broken, or that they're screw-ups.

8. Just because you're scarred does not mean you're not beautiful, loveable, special, or worthy.

In fact, I firmly believe that Elton John's "I'm still standing" should be a mantra. Because you really ARE still standing and that takes perseverance and determination.
9. I don't know all the right ways to phrase this Sisyphean battle that we're all engaged in, but I just want you to know that it's okay to feel NOT OKAY, even not okay a LOT right now.

But please, if you can summon up the energy, reach out to a friend or support group
10. You are NOT alone. There are free online support groups, free video support chats, therapy, and so much more. Being alone and sinking into the black ocean depths, like you're drowing... it doesn't have to be like that. I've been there. It does NOT have to be like that.
11. In the next few tweets are some online help sites, many offering free support groups. If you're not into that whole group thing, you can always lurk, you know, just to realize that there are so many others like you out there.

Reaching out, taking that hard first step helps
13. Please, try to remember that you are NOT the sum of your 2020 experiences.

You are NOT what this year has turned so many of us into.

And against all odds, you're still hanging on. Raggedly maybe, filled with numbness, grief or exhaustion but YOU *ARE* STILL STANDING! Still
14. COVID-19 has tripled the rate of depression in US adults in all demographic groups—especially in those with $$$ worries

27.8% of adults reported depression symptoms, in contrast with 8.5% before the pandemic

Asians experienced an 18.7% higher rate than before.
16. Let me tell you about me so you know how much I relate & empathize: I have cPTSD & have had chronic anxiety since I was a child. Constant panic attacks ensued in 2019. I got help, but man, was it black at times. This yr, after Zola's death & other stuff, depression joined in
17. Bad depression. So bad, that I didn't want help at times, just to retreat. That + the Kubler Ross grief spectrum, boy... was it NOT fun.

So, I know what some of you may be going through even if my causes are diff. & I'm so much luckier than most in terms of food & shelter.
18. Whatever YOU have gone through, it is not meaningless, small, or irrelevant. We ALL have s**t, so why should YOURS not matter just as much? It should. It does.

But you can't be the monkey on your own back to drown yourself further. Please reach out to someone. You matter!
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