But has definite compensations on a wet day đŸ€—
Day 3: started out gentle, ended up with some slog up into the tops, where I found out that the forecast rain & wind was real above the bush line 😬
Thankfully there was a lovely couple in the hut — my first hut company — & having seen me coming, they’d put the billy & fire on
Day 4: woke up to đŸ„°
There were five kea happily crooning to themselves in the trees above the hut. When I took my coffee outside they came to check me out — but, really happily, they did not come closer than 3-4 m away and did NOT appear to be looking for food 🙏
I mean, what a place to live, eh
Anyway. Back to day 4. So first I dashed up to check out the lake Roe that the hut is named after, because 😍
Then I had a wee meander along the tops en route to the next hut. The weather was gorgeous by spells, with intermittent cloud and sun showers...
And then I saw it! My ultimate destination, and the namesake of the whole track: Dusky Sound
Then it was a simple matter of downclimbing for a km before... oh, that’s right, a river crossing where the walk wire used to be 😬
A bit of swimming (& a LOT of mud wrestling) later, I arrive at Loch Maree hut.
Tying another knot in this đŸ§” here too https://twitter.com/nicgaston/status/1335352333346033664
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