It is important that everyone takes this information into consideration! Thank you!
First, it is important to note that Covid-19 is a + RNA virus.

Basics: A vaccine can lead to the production of protective or pathogenic antibodies. Protective antibodies protect the immune cell. Pathogenic antibodies are suboptimal and cannot protect the host cell effectively.
Cardiologist, Dr. Ramin Oskoui has openly discussed how suboptimal antibodies can affect the host cell after the administration of a vaccine for a + RNA virus. In this case, we are discussing the Covid-19 virus.
In his discussions, it is mentioned that there were studies done, during an outbreak of the dengue fever (DENV) that clearly show examples of how these suboptimal antibodies work in relation to the virus.
These studies show that a vaccine for a + RNA virus can lead to a phenomenon known as ADE (antibody dependent enhancement). This phenomenon allows suboptimal or non-neutralizing antibodies to bind to the virus facilitating its entry into the target or host cell.
After entry, the host cell becomes activated. Now, the virus can replicate and may infect surrounding cells. This activation can lead to immunopathology and acute inflammation.
Antibody concentration is another factor to consider when studying how the vaccine interacts with a + RNA virus. Studies show that a vaccine for a + RNA virus may produce a lower concentration of antibodies.
The lower concentration of antibodies is a direct result of waning immunity. Waning immunity occurs when the body loses its protective antibodies, over time, resulting in a lower concentration. These suboptimal antibodies lead to the ADE response.
Before we move forward, take note that protective antibodies block receptor binding. In response, the host or immune cell is protected. Therefore, the virus cannot easily replicate. With protective antibodies, there is a significantly decreased likelihood of ADE development.
Recap: With the combination of the vaccine and suboptimal antibodies, immune cells are not effectively protected leading to a potential for the development of ADE.
As mentioned by Cardiologist, Dr. Ramin Oskoui, this poses a considerable threat to the immune system if there were a second + RNA viral infection (Covid-21).

I imagine you can understand!
After immunization, re-infection should not pose this much of a threat!! It is crucial that we gain a better understanding of how these vaccines may or may not affect our immune cells.
I would love to open up this conversation with all of you. If you have information to share, please do so! If you choose to participate in open discussion, please do so respectfully! Thank you all!
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