4YO loves balloons. Anytime we are in a dollar store and she sees those round helium balloons we have intense negotiations on how many she can have.
So today we are in a dollar store and they have bigger ones. Her eyes wide she happily selected a yellow happy face balloon...
We make our purchase. I hand 4YO her balloon (and 6YO god forbid we walk out with ONE). Her eyes sparkled. She was wearing a mask but you knew she was smiling big.
This was a special prize.
"Hold on tight! We are going outside!", he said foolishly.
Hold on tight! There's a breeze!
The balloon danced.
Hold on tight!
We got to the car. We had done it.

Then with a squeel of delight 4YO let go.
All parents will know that there is a fine line between "having a grand old time" and "absolute disaster". I'd say it's more so with an autistic child. Fearing a meltdown I did what most dad's would do.

I chased the balloon.
Running. Jumping. All the while this big happy yellow face looked down at me overjoyed at its new found freedom.

Now this is a parking lot remember. In December. So not only am I running and jumping but I'm avoiding traffic.

I jump.

Dammit Andy. Think of your daughter. Think of your wife doing her best to console her while she screams in a parking lot.



2020 you son of a bitch I will not let you take this balloon! NOT TODAY!

I jump.

Remember Independence Day? Will Smith and Jeff Goldblum walking out of the dust triumphantly?

That's the kind of energy I had walking back to the car.

Me: She ok?

My wife: Yeah she was laughing her head off because you looked like an idiot.
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