I'm having a hard time finding facts about the situation with Joss Whedon. I understand things can change and that details will be revealed. I feel for those let down by it. However, my relationship with Joss on two seasons of television and two films was nothing but positive.
I attribute so much of my career to him and I'm still really proud of that association. I cannot imagine him being responsible for a toxic work environment. So much of what I'm hearing makes me very sad.
I can say this from my own experience. Once Joss had an opportunity to really come down on me because my immature behavior almost jeopordized production. He pulled me aside and spoke to me passionately but calmly. He treated me like an adult and expected me to behave like one.
He said things to me that have stuck with me ever since and always will. His handling of that situation has been like a compass to me moving forward in my life and career.
Actually many things he said and did stay with me not just because of what they meant but how they revealed his love and care for the people he worked with. In my time working with Joss I've never known anyone to dislike him or have a problem with him. Quite the contrary.
Of course, I am aware of all the things being said or that have been said. I just don't know him that way. I'll say it again, it fills me with great sadness.
I am not an Avenger. My words may not carry much or any weight. However, I still consider Joss a friend and an immeasurably positive influence on my life. I could not in good conscience say nothing about it. I chose to here because I would never have been here without him.
Maybe it's time to get off? Apparently I don't know how to use it anyway.
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