The heart of the Paris agreement, and all climate action, is to put our god damn backs into stopping the harm created by the burning of fossil fuels.

It isn't about targets; nor is it about renewables, or batteries, or artificial meat.

It's about protecting us, and Earth.
So you understand why it's a lightning bolt of pure anger to see a shift from "cheating on a weak target" to "relying other people to hit a weak target".

The smug, thumbs-up, huge-grin numbers games are an galling, cruel, infuriating insult to all of us. I'm so angry.
Angus Taylor had to 'shut down' two Hazelwood's worth of predicted coal-fired power output between the 2018 and 2019 projections, to creep closer to Paris

He'll have to shut down even more to get this result. It's going to be wild to see how they do this.
After a full year of yelling about a gas-fired recovery, Angus Taylor will also have to continue the four-year process of revising the projected output of fossil gas even lower.

They're relying fully on things they explicitly hate, and loudly oppose, to achieve these reductions.
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