Watching Giuliani Common Sense Ep. 92:
Giuliani: "Does the [state] legislature have the power to take evidence, and make findings of fraud? YES."
Giuliani: "Can the legislature call itself into session, since this is a power that derives from the U.S. Constitution not the State constitution? OF COURSE."
Giuliani: "Can one of the remedies be awarding the electors to the aggrieved candidate? OF COURSE, if the evidence is there."
Giuliani: "If this doesn't move our Republican governors, and legislators, to step up in the name of their country, to save this election, then what do we have in our party?"
Giuliani: "This time the finger of responsibility points to you, state legislators. You can save our country. You can do something so historic, brave, we can write new profiles in courage, maybe we need that, it can turn this around like <snap> that."
Giuliani: "I implore each one of the state legislators, that you take up a special session, that you listen to the evidence, see the smoking gun, make your determination in conjunction with the overwhelming evidence that Biden stole this election, and actually lost it..."
Now watching Bannon's War Room: Pandemic Ep 564
To save you time, Giuliani is on at 34:30.
Giuliani: "State Representatives in Michigan are taking it seriously. I think they now realize that the election was stolen. And the issue now is, can you prove it, and what can you do about it."
Giuliani: "I think the reason you now see Georgia with 53-56% of the people not trusting the results of the last election...I mean you just have to look at that one video tape, and that's the whole election!"
Giuliani: "During that 1:30 in the morning hidden, secret counting of votes... They threw the Republicans out of the room, they locked the door, they waited and checked, and then they opened up this box that had been there for 12 hours, and they counted 40,000 votes."
Giuliani: "And he only won by 10,000. So you take those 40,000 away and Trump wins Georgia by 30,000 votes! That is about as clear a election theft as I've ever seen. It's like a bank heist."
Giuliani: "Wisconsin has the strictest absentee ballot law in the country. They want to know absentee ballots are not used to steal elections, and therefore they require that you apply for it. It can't be given to you, they don't let a lot of people go around soluciting votes."
Giuliani: "So you have to apply for it, and that application has to be kept to prove that you applied for it and some policical hack didn't come around and fill it out for you. So now, when...they do their audit, there's some 60,000 ballots where they have no application!"
Giuliani: "The law is precise about it, every one of those ballots is declared illegal. And it was mostly from Milwaukee County, which means Trump wins, Biden loses. It's as simple as that. It's an operation of law."
Giuliani: "The Democrats stole the election. And they had a plan to steal the election, which was to take these absentee and mail-in ballots, and when they had to do these phony ones, they'd do it in the middle of the night."
Giuliani: "In Michigan, you had a big truck show up before 4:30 in the morning, with 100,000 ballots in garbage cans. We've got 3 witnesses to that including a Dominion employee. For that reason alone the election should be overturned."
Giuliani: "Professor Eastman, who has been the biggest expert on this wrote a paper and we submitted it to the Georgia legislature to show them how they can do this constitutionally. In the paper, he points out that the constitution provides the answer."
Giuliani: "Article II, Section 1, Clause 2 of the constitution gives the power soley to the state legislature to decide on the electors if there is a dispute, or at any time. They don't need the governor, they don't need the Secretary of State, they don't need congress..."
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