

I got cosmically stoned and tripped down a rabbit hole.

I am at a halfway point.

There is enough sauce that, if I can connect maybe 1 or 2 more dots, a horrifying theory will emerge.

It will keep me up at night.

I will make it keep you up at night.

Right now, though, it's still just a "looks like it could be, but maybe I'm really stoned."

Right now, I am Schrödinger's Cat.

We might all be really fucked...


I might just need Taco Bell.

One or two more searches, and that lid's gonna open.
Trying to find a totally obscure video I JUST watched a couple days ago that'll tie my little horror theory together, and of course I can't find it again.


Ok, let's do this...


Let's talk vaccines. https://twitter.com/dinitatv/status/1335402255428825091
Now, I need to put a couple of caveats in place before I drag y'all down this hole with me:

I am not a neurobiologist.

I know this is shocking but there it is.

I am also not a virologist.

Or a physicist.

I'm a stoner chick.

On a mountain.
So, if I'm reading all this wrong and I'm batshit crazy, please don't hesitate to let me know.

I know for a fact that I actually have some virologists following me.

Rip my thoughts and theories to shreds.

Tell me I watch too much sci-fi.

This is the tweet that started me off...

Thank you @KarmasKeeper81 for sending it to me. https://twitter.com/anontruther911/status/1330707492783886336
And this response threw me down the hole. https://twitter.com/loudproudtexan/status/1335280511070113792
And that led me to this article, written in 2004 about another novel coronavirus outbreak.

It's really technical. I don't pretend to understand it all.

But check out the highlighted bits.

Link: https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007%2F978-0-387-33012-9_16.pdf
So already, they were looking at developing mRNA vaccines to go after it.

Flash forward to our COVID-19 and the rush for vaccines.

Link: https://horizon-magazine.eu/article/five-things-you-need-know-about-mrna-vaccines.html
Now that would be cool and all, but have a look at who is funding these studies...
It just so happens that Hansjörg Wyss is my pet Globalist.

Sure, Soros is spooky, but Hansjörg...

He's a special kind of crazy. https://twitter.com/myfinewords/status/1135008636625833984
Hansjörg's strategic conservation moves are directly tied to Uranium One, by the way.

But that's for a different kind of thread.

Just know, he's another billionaire Globalist fruitcake, and you should run like hell from anything to which his name is attached.
This is from the Guardian article:

How do we know that COVID-19, which we now know was manipulated for gain of function, wasn't encoded with some data?

And what if the vaccine is the agent that activates said data and sends into a replicating frenzy, rewriting our very DNA with some implanted information?
And this whole horrific line of thought answers one question that has been bugging the shit out of me:

If everything we've been through since COVID-19 emerged is part of an intentional Globalist attack, why unleash a pandemic that doesn't actually kill many people?
And here's my nightmarish answer...

/end https://twitter.com/myfinewords/status/1332145135996452864
If I'm right, that's 45 million back doors into our DNA.

I'm sure it's probably fine, though...

#InvasionOfTheBodySnatchers https://twitter.com/drdavidsamadi/status/1335285038695460864
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