Apropos of being in academia, I want to just remind my colleagues (jr and sr) that if you’re in a position of having students, they are not the enemy.

Possibly politicians and their choices, white supremacy, capitalism, or even your institution’s policies are the enemy you seek.
Please stop treating and talking about students as if they’re your enemy.

They’re the opposite: they want to learn. They’re in your class because they want the knowledge you have, and if they don’t get it, it’s them who will have the consequences of that, not you.
Students aren’t paying ruinous tuition and dealing with trying to learn complex and challenging material while experiencing all the everything that is happening right now....in order to fuck around and ruin your day...obviously.

They’re trying. They’re trying their very best.
Some people will probably be less than honest. So?

Are *you* sure your suspicions of who is, aren’t driven by your biases.

The people you’re enculturation to think well of, are you equally suspicious of them.

Even if you’re a good person, these are unlikely to be 100% true.
If you’re so fixated on punishing the people you (subjectively) suspect that you divert energy from helping students or just living your own life...you’re not in a great mindset to instruct or mentor.

Sorry but that’s the case.

Our role is not to haze our students.
Since most of you who will see this are not fans of the current US admin, I’ll just say that when you talk like this about students, you sound like the people who keep claiming (against evidence) that the current admin lost due to voter fraud.

Don’t be like this about students.
Also, I’ll just add, power dynamics are complex.

Therefore: yes, it is possible for majoritarian students to do bigotry to their minoritized instructors.

However and in general, we as the instructors have more institutional power in this context and we can’t forget that.
And most of the people I notice being awful about their students are not minoritized instructors.

That is generally not the way this flows.

Boundaries? Boundaries are healthy, I’m not talking about boundaries.

I’m talking about your students are not your enemy.

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