This book was found on Amazon by an Anon but there is no summary, review or date. It is only 172 pages and appears to be written shortly after WW2. I will be doing a chapter by chapter review in this thread as I read the book. Very interesting correlations to today!
Chapter One - The Lost Capstone
Ms. Powell tells a story about a “stone that the builders rejected” and allegorically speaks about how before any major transition in human history, there has been spiritual great awakening as a steadying force. 1/
The author then begins to speak about the decline in America of true evangelism.
“What we need and must get is the divine power to change the human heart.” The ungodly sorts such as Voltaire and Nietzsche brought their secular humanism to all of Europe. 2/
It looked certain that society was completely bankrupt and would remain that way. But John Wesley came on the scene with a European great spiritual awakening. This was the balancing force as the world stage was undergoing great societal change. 3/
The chapter ends with an encouragement that a spiritual awakening can change the entire direction of our great Country and in a very short time. “Remember that it only took 10 years to nazify Germany. When true revival begins it may spread with the rapidity of a forest fire.” 4/
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