Okay this thread is definitely well overdue but what I really wanted to talk about is the fact that Jujutsu Kaisen has a way in which mental health is displayed and or showcased throughout the series. Of course, there’s gonna be a lot of getou in here only for you king.
To mainly start off, Getou is a prime example of how a strong ideology he once held to be true concerning how jujutsu sorcerers serve to protect the weak as that is their duty is significantly altered after the events that transpired with riko causing him to experience——
severe guilt. He blames himself and in doing this causing him to fall into a depression especially since Gojo does ask him if he’s alright since he notices he looks skinner as his mental health is in fact beginning to deteriorate and greatly impact his very well being. However,
At the same time it’s evident here that upon seeing Gojo continuously progress and vastly improve his technique and abilities he’s truly experiencing feelings of both emptiness and loneliness which in doing this causes him to question and ponder his purpose and evaluate—-
his meaning in life as it’s important for sorcerers in jujutsu society to find their so-called “meaning.“ Moving forward, Getou’s having described the fact that he’s ingesting curse after curse calling it—
“A taste of a cursed spirit that nobody else knows...like swallowing whole a cloth that was used to wipe up vomit.“ Which symbolizes the bottling up his of emotions, his values that he’d rather not reveal out the open to those closest to him ( Gojo).
What’s interesting is the fact that Getou is both internalizing his emotions and is currently experiencing something that is know as cognitive dissonance. And in psychology it’s best described as when an individual holds two beliefs and or values that contradict one another.
We see this especially when he’s talking with Yuki where he mentions that he’s conflicted with the idea of shamans purpose is to protect the weak on top of the idea that he also looks down upon non-shamans. His vision is clouded often when people experience cognitive dissonance.
It can be super discomforting and manifest itself in different ways if left untreated which in Getou’s case he did resolve it. On the other hand, he didn’t resolve it in healthy way as he morphed into an extremist and was a product of his own downfall.
Next is Toji Fushiguro, probably ones of the coolest villains I’d say but definitely his story that was one that started in tragedy and ended in tragedy. But mainly to start off, toji is very insecure. And with that insecurity it manifested itself into proving his worth and his—
strength especially since being born into the zenin clan and having heavenly restriction. In having this he was shunned and expelled from the clan altogether which was both a massive blow to him as a person and was a contribution of his trauma. With that said,
this particular event in his life caused him to have the goal of crushing the Zenin clan altogether once it reaches its peak in terms of strength ensuring that he wipes out the strongest of sorcerers especially since he himself has no cursed energy. Interestingly,
this is in fact a good example of his own insecurity and need to prove his worth channeling it into a very unhealthy and very warped method of coping in addition to getting rid of the Zenin name by making the transition to Fushiguro. Which is a clear sign he is insistent on
moving past one of the hardest chapters of his entire life, yet at the same time it’s a way in which he embraces his self image and feel better about himself entirely. Even so, what’s so fascinating is the fact that inevitably toji is very self-destructive especially during his—
fight with Gojo he insists on continuing the fight even though he knows within the back of his mind that he’s not gonna get paid for it however instead, Gojo existence alone intrigues him and he’s obsessed with the idea of proving his worth and self-affirmation
It doesn’t even really stop there due to the fact that Toji really bit off more than he could chew and had tunnel vision in proving himself in attempt of relieving himself from his insecurity not having the gift of seeing curses that is constantly weighing down on his conscience
It’s funny because, Toji once he came back during the Shibuya arc it further proves how much he wants to assert his strength and will never pass up the opportunity. Akutami mentions here that “Bearing his fangs towards the strongest around.“ Again Toji is consumed by the idea—
In continually proving himself and his strength as the majority of his life was spent being shunned and looked down upon and is a manifestation of his insecurity.
On the other hand, Toji also having lost his wife also contributing a lot to who the person he became to be. This is because upon losing her and having sold off megumi with the idea in mind of giving him a better life, he slept around in retaliation of losing someone he truly—
cared about deeply. This in psychological terms is known as avoidance and or avoidance coping. Which is essentially a maladaptive form of coping in which a person changes their behaviors in order to avoid thinking about difficult things/situations they need to confront.
I wished to possibly add more characters but I’m not really in the mood for that maybe another time :) writing threads are weird but I had fun with it.
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