Thread: You know what is challenging about these responses is that they never know the people. Here is a parents emigrated...we lived in an apt for 4 years that was roach infested. We could not afford much.
If we took public money people called us moochers. Rather they just made do. Dad slept on floors with newspaper in NJ. Mom worked in a factory in a sari with no coat or winter clothes. 3/
Than we move to TX. People thrown bricks through windows telling us to go back to where we came from. Parents tells us not to hate, but show people we can be good neighbors. 4/
Parents never earn more than 40k per year. Dad quits job due to discrimination. Dad only income earner. But parents insistent on college. We get scholarships. 5/
All of our parents family come and live with us as they emigrate. Parents only want their kids to succeed because we will take care of them. We mostly do public service, but few stints in private sector. 6/
We have been brought up in community service. But people who know nothing about you continuing to shine hate your way because you did something to take care of your parents, cousins, grandparents because we have no other safety net. 7/
I am tired of hate. Wish this community much love. Feel free to hate me, but I am not going there.
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