Currently in Olympia for another rally Against Hate Groups & Fascism. Police excluded from the title to avoid redundancy.
I think I’m in the wrong place
Antifa travels comfortably. tacticouch meets tacticool – bei Washington State Capitol
I’ve been bear maced, so has literally every other leftist.
Things are heating up. A shot was fired
When right wing extremist terrorist attack the police stand back and stand by. They take turns. Team work fascism
Has anyone gotten cramps or a stomach ache from mace? This is a first 🤕

We’re currently taking a brief recovery break. I’m alright clearly as I take selfie’s and tweet and smoke a spicy cigarette... some folks are really really hurt 😞 someone got a bat to the head
They’re throwing smoke bombs and other IED’s
Full clip before the IED’s
Another IED they threw at us
They’re proud because they’re burning umbrellas lol.
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