I'm 100% sure this wasn't the best thing to do. I also didn't have any other options. #TheFirecracker refused to eat.
I walked my hacking self out to the dining room, & said, "We do not have time for this. I could die. This is not about you. You have to eat."
She fucking ate.
She looks like she's lost weight since I've been sick. She also refused to hug me earlier, bc Vulcan made her stop playing video games.
I'm done.
She doesn't get to use eating or not eating as some kind of manipulative tactic to get out of doing chores, or because she's pissed that we set limits. Congratulations, you either do your part, or the rest of us suffer. We ALL have to learn to manage our mental health here.
Update: I just heard her being very patient & firm w/the two youngest, so I'm guessing she's in a better place now.

*Low blood sugar can imitate any mental illness.* Literally any of them. I don't know why. But if you have mental health conditions, you absolutely HAVE to eat.
You have to be aware of WHAT you can eat, WHEN you eat, and IF any foods interfere w/absorption or function of your medications. (See my rant on ADHD meds & vitamin C). You have to know if you have food allergies or intolerances, & if something you're allergic to is used as a
...filler or binder in any of your meds. You ABSOLUTELY should know who manufacturers your meds, & what the differences are between brand and generic---AND if there are differences in the pills delivery systems, for EACH medication & EACH manufacturer.
Oh, and you also need to know if any of your medications interact with each other. Or any food.

Are you tired yet, because It. GETS. WORSE!

If you're a woman, or AFAB, you have to know how your monthly hormonal changes could affect the efficacy of your meds. "Wow, suddenly...
"...15 MG feels like I'm taking nothing," may mean you need an adjustment, OR it may mean you're PMSing. Yay. It's up to you to find that out.
You also have to untangle, "Is this a side-effect, a separate mental illness, or just me being aware of my symptoms for the 1st time?"
None of this is fair, by the way.
Let's just get that out into the open right now.
It's not fair, it shouldn't be this hard, & it's not your fault that it IS this hard.
The problem is that people who are given mental health medications (especially ADHD meds) don't know these things, & have no idea that they SHOULD know them.
They can't know what they don't know.
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