Q: Do you try and tell people about election fraud? If so, how does it go?

"My mom (d), love her dearly, was shocked at the GA video she hadn’t seen on her msm outlets.... her reaction was oh my, that doesn’t seem right.... but... then she went into D talking points. "

My Response: That's a reaction I'm seeing a lot of right now. As a student of psychology, a mind will fight to the death for a belief system it uses to explain the world.

That said, you can't unsee or unwitness an event that unquestionably makes your false beliefs apparent to you. Like the physical immune system, the mental one requires time to fully process and absorb what has been seen.

I think our task, as people who know the truth is a) let our loved ones have room to think freely while (not expecting a pole shift of thought in a short space of time) b) drip in better beliefs and knowledge slowly so that the truth transformation process proceeds well.

In my experience, this method can be highly productive, but it takes patience, and detachment from any outcome we're personally invested in.

(From the Stillness in the Storm Gab group https://gab.com/groups/5961 )
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