I think it would be cool too if we normalized talking about our day jobs or other sources of income we have that sustain us. We often make it look like our art is sustaining us financially when it RARELY is.
I am at a point now where I do make a living from music alone. But I only got to that point because I was a TV actor for so long. Continuing to act sustained me financially and allowed me to be a musician for YEARS without making a cent.
This gave me an unfair advantage over other musicians who were working in bars and coffee shops to stay afloat; while I only had to make the occasional crappy tv movie to survive.
The financial underpinning being a teen actor gave me continues to sustain me. TWS is doing well. But it wouldn't be enough had I not had a TV and film career. I wouldn't have gotten to where I am without that TV and film career giving me financial security all those years.
Also FYI: I don't make money from touring. The money I make from touring all goes to the costs of touring. There's the occasional show that turns a profit but it usually goes back into the bank to cover the shows that lost money.
Also want to note here that the only reason TV acting was so lucrative was because of unions. As an ACTRA member, I was guaranteed a certain amount of money for a day of work. The production couldn't hire a cheaper actor. Scale was scale.
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