Imagine thinking a 5 year old is capable of understanding the consequences of "choosing" which sex they are.

Imagine everyone in that kids life affirming the decision of a 5 year old in a way reinforces the decision and shapes the child socially.... https://twitter.com/ErinInTheMorn/status/1334574820923764737
Imagine social momentum created by the decision to "affirm" the child:
-their name changed
-pronouns are changed
-appearance is adjusted i cludong clothing choices, hair-style amd mannerisms.
-everyone who meets them is told they are their newly "chosen" gender...
Pretty soon everyone who doesn't agree with the change is removed from the kids life "to protect them," and the parents become activists within the community with social media profile built around "being the parents of a trans kid."

They join local and online support groups
The kid builds their whole social circle and social identity around their new gender identity.
They grow up, become more aware of themselves, learn about the world, and begin to understand themselves more. But as they learn they look out at the world and what do they see?
The kid sees their parents have gone all in on trans activism, that family members were removed from their life for pushing back against transition, their freind group all sees them as their "chosen" gender and their whole social world is built around their transition...
And then they change their mind.
Now what?

Their entire social world and family life, including the hurtful decision to cut off family members that didn't agree with transition, has been built around a decision the kid made when they were 5. And the kid is going to see ALL of that as their fault...
-It is their fault mom and dad won't talk to uncle Jeff anymore
-It's their fault their parents are known as local activists
-It's their fault all that energy was put into a transition

And now they want to just go back to their birth gender.

Imagine how THAT child feels...
Imagine that kid knowing that because of a decision they made at 5 their parents changed the entire direction of the family, built an identity for themselves as activists, and cut off family members...

And now they're about to pull the plug on *YEARS* of their parents efforts
Now imagine having to admit to everyone in their *HIGH SCHOOL* that they were wrong about their own gender.

Do you think this kid feels like going back to their birth sex is really an option?

Or do you think they feel trapped in a decision they made when they were 5?
Watch this first video...
Now watch this second video:
People have lost their damn minds.

They are so afraid of accidently being a bigot that they're abandoning any sort of common sense.

Imagine thinking a 5 year old can pick their gender.

Better yet...

Imagine thinking a 5 year old even understands what gender really is.
This needs to stop, and we need to stop letting ourselves be browbeaten by people hopped up on an unearned sense of righteous indignation.

Let kids be kids, and stop letting 5 year olds make lifelong decisions.

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