The facts are these:

1.  Observers were told to leave, because the Fulton County officials said they were shutting down for the night,

2.  They did not shut down

(More in thread below)
3.  A handful of people at State Farm Arena in Fulton Co., GA continued to work until at least 1 am or thereabouts (they may have done more later in the wee hours – have to watch more video to find out)
4.   The official “monitors” from the SOS office didn’t show up until 90 minutes after the workers re-started their ‘work’ after the observers were sent home.
5. There are scanners in that room & it certainly appears from the video that two of the workers were ballots or SOMETHING into scanners for a good long while before any ‘official monitors’ showed up.  And why did the SOS investigator show up at 12:15?  What triggered that?
6. Georgia law requires “[s]uperintendents, poll officers, and other officials engaged in the conducting of primaries and elections . . . shall perform their duties in public.” O.C.G.A. §21-2- 406...
“All proceedings at the tabulating center and precincts shall be open to the view of the public.” O.C.G.A, § 21-2-483(b).
These are facts and we have a lot of questions. We don’t purport to know exactly what happened but our job is to ask the questions, starting with WHY did they send everyone home and then keep working, and what were they doing?
10 Questions that MUST Be Answered Regarding Videotape of Unusual Activity by Fulton County Election Workers in the Middle of the Night on November 3
1.  What exactly was said at approximately 10:30 pm on Election Night by the Fulton County election officials at State Farm Arena to the observers and media, causing them to leave? Why were they asked to leave?  What is the true story about the alleged pipe leak?
2.  Who are the 4 – 6 individuals in the video who appear to be Fulton County election workers doing something with ballots from approximately 10:35 pm - 12:55 am?  
• What are their names & titles?
• Who pays them?
• To whom do they report?  
• Has anyone interviewed them?
3. What are each of the workers doing, specifically, during that 2 ½ period and what do the audit logs show for that period?   Has anyone investigated all the records generated, including scanned images, from that 2 ½ period?
4. Why would observers not be allowed to continue to monitor what these workers were doing?

5.  What are the workers feeding into the scanners during this time period?
6.  Has anyone investigated the vote totals from each of the scanners at 10 pm om November 3 and compared those to the vote totals from that scanner at 8 am on Nov 4?
7.  An unnamed ‘monitor’ from the SOS’s office has stated that he was there from 11:52 am until 12:45 am, which is an admission that he was NOT present for the first ninety minutes of the video clip.  Why did he show up at midnight?  ...
What did he believe was happening at midnight after all the observers had been sent home that would suddenly necessitate his presence? Did he inquire about the absence of observers?
8.  Why was the deputy chief investigator from the SOS dispatched to State Farm Arena at 12:15 am on November 4?
9. What exactly were these workers doing in the wee hours of election night w/ those ballots? Why were they taking bins w/ ballots from beneath tables covered w/ tablecloths?
10.  Has anyone investigated the reports of ‘pristine’ absentee ballots which were apparently never folded, so were obviously not returned in an official secrecy ballot envelope.   Such ballots would have been processed in the room depicted in the video...
Why would there be any absentee ballots neither folded nor appended to an original defective ballot?
We would not have all these questions had Fulton Co not told the media, poll watchers, observers, and public had not been told counting was stopping until the following morning.
➡️ People in authority in the SOS office & in Fulton Co need to answer those questions.
SOS Office fined Fulton Co $50,000 for completely screwing up 2020 primary election, & we are supposed to try to answer questions for them?  No. Make them answer the darned questions.
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