1. If you look at the finances of the West you know very well why the Great Reset is being peddled

There is simply no way the finances of the West are made sustainable without both

1. Massive debt forgiveness
2. Massive inflation
2. The biggest issue by far are unpaid liabilities which the governments have promised

This makes every Western government insolvent

This is why in the West there are no longer bridges built, infrastructure, roads are not repaired

Everything is falling apart
3. The great reset aims to tackle this problem by eliminating the middle class so it can funnel resources from it to the government and mega corporations

It disguises it as a benign debt forgiveness for the plebs but the real debt is on the government and corporate level
4. Together with voiding a lot of the debt, to prevent massive deflation and seizure of the financial system and economy

They plan to print tens of trillions of dollars and start distributing them directly from the central banks to government run accounts - no private banking
5. This will create very high inflation and you already see that in housing and stock prices which have become unaffordable to anyone but upper middle class

Only the very successful who work for top corporations will be able to live ok

You're either in the club or poor
6. After the reset, the west which is the only place with a middle class will no longer have it

New classes will be

1. Mega rich and ruling class
2. Their mercenaries - top professionals who are useful to 1
3. The working poor
4. The destitute

Just like in the 3rd world
7. Together with that through high taxation, regulation and inflation the assets of the middle class will effectively be seized to achieve an order in which if you don't work, you don't eat and you can hardly live

You could no longer stack cushy assets and collect from them
8. Collecting from your assets will only be reserved for the ruling class - the lords in this neofeudal arrangement

The mercenaries of the lords will be offered stock packages for their decades service which will then be squeezed back through inflation and taxation
9. The big corporations and the professional class have currently already all signed up for this arrangement because they see themselves as privileged in it and this way they bar entry into their classes from the lower ones - again it's neo-feudal
10. So the great reset to this neo- feudal system serves a few purposes

1. Wipe the unsustainable debt
2. Seize the assets of the middle class
3. Bar entry into the upper classes
4. Curb the consumption of the lower classes and funnel resources to the top
11. If you think about it,

there already exists such a system where state owned and sanctioned enterprises do everything and are super rich and through them the ruling party gets its payouts

While the lower class has to work extremely hard in slave conditions it cannot escape
12. This system is in CHINA

The Western elite looks at China with envy and sees it as a model to make its people

1. Work harder
2. Consume less
3. Have no rights to contest their power and wealth
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