If you voted for Trump......

You voted for sexual assault.
You voted for pedophilia.
You voted for racism.
You voted for sexism and misogyny.
You voted for homophobia.
You voted for xenophobia.
You voted for Islamaphobia.
You voted for hate crimes and violence. (1/7)
You voted for the KKK.
You voted for Anti-Semitism.
You voted for transphobia.
You voted for fear.
You voted for Wall Street.
You voted for Goldman Sachs.
You voted for the Holocaust.
You voted for Nazi White Supremacists.
You voted for Russia. (2/7)
You voted for disability discrimination.
You voted for lies.
You voted for ignorance.

You voted against your God, Jesus, and the Bible, your faith.
You voted against basic humanity.
You voted against the poor.
You voted against children. (3/7)
You voted against public schools.
You voted against international unity.
You voted against your family, friends and neighbors.
You voted against the elderly, your parents and grandparents. (4/7)
You voted against America and all the men and women that have fought and died for your freedom to betray your Country.
You voted against your grandmother, mother, daughter, wife, and sister.
You voted against progress. (5/7)
You voted against compassion for your your fellow human beings.
You voted against the environment.
You voted against science.
You voted against love.

You voted against you.


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