We wrote ZEAL longing to escape the echo chamber of deconstruction and spiritual bitterness. Tearing down religious chains and navigating hypocrisy is essential, but also endless. What was underneath the pain and frustration...a desperate need for the light. For Jesus.
Too many of us were talking about God and never meditating on scripture, sharing our doubts and never praying for faith. We were the hypocrites we couldn’t stand. ZEAL burst into the world a year and a half ago, full of confession, repentance, hope and elation.
We fight the same fight for childlike faith every day, nothing has changed. We need the same truth. The same call to wonder and belief.
This will be the biggest show we’ve ever played. Worldwide, people will be waking up in the middle of the night, sneaking off on their...
...lunch break at work, getting their kids to bed early to watch these songs come to life on phones, laptops, TV’s and projectors. My prayer is that we would all be moved by the spirit, however that may be, and find comfort and joy in a time of fear and despair.
See you on the 11th ❤️
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