I'm reminded of Yoda's words to Luke in my favorite scene from @rianjohnson's The Last Jedi:

"Heeded my words not, did you? 'Pass on what you have learned.' Strength, mastery. But weakness, folly, failure also. Yes, failure most of all. The greatest teacher, failure is."
Luke's attempt to rebuild the Jedi Order just like it was before the Purge was exactly why he failed – because the galaxy needed something new, not a clumsy attempt to replicate what went before. (Ironically, that's exactly the reason why the J.J. Abrams films were so bad.)
I'll leave it up to readers to draw any real-world parallels they may see in the New Republic's doomed "return to normalcy" and any current events we may be experiencing. Suffice to say, don't say I didn't warn you when the First Order rises again.
Here's another example of the New Republic sowing the seeds of its own destruction by failing to learn any meaningful lessons from the fall of the Old Republic – "Mas Amedda, welcome to the Resistance." https://twitter.com/LoganJames/status/1336315366692319232?s=20
Chapter 15 of #TheMandalorian further proves my point about liberalism's inability to prevent the rise of authoritarianism: "You see boys, everybody thinks they want freedom – but what they really want is order. And when they realize that, they'll welcome us back with open arms."
Also worth noting that Mayfeld was serving time at the Karthon Chop Fields, a labor camp where prisoners were forced to dismantle scrapped Imperial ships and other hardware – work that could very easily (and more effectively) be done by droids. New Republic justice is bad, folks!
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