It's rather amusing that most Dem voters do not yet understand that even with all the evidence of widespread voter fraud we've already seen to date, the damning/irrefutable proof that there was a massive & concerted effort to undermine the election is still to come.

The truth is that those here in the US who endeavored to steal the election worked in concert with the fake news media to convince everyone that 1) there was no fraud, and 2) Joe Biden actually won.

Both narratives are patently false.

But the left also fails to realize is that unlike previous elections the military had everyone under mass surveillance (texts, calls, emails, etc.) that proves domestic perpetrators here in the US plotted with foreign interests (China, Iran, Soros, etc.) against the USA.

And because foreign interests were involved in the steal this entire situation is necessarily elevated to an ACT OF WAR against our Republic which therefore changes all the math in relation to how this will be addressed/remedied moving forward.

What will become clear in the near future, and difficult for those who have been convinced Biden won, is that in order to save our Republic drastic measures will be invoked to both reveal the fraud and punish those involved in carrying it out.

It's going to get ugly.


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