Need proof the election is over and that we get 4 more years of Trump Team? More proof that the election shenanigans are a movie?
2) CHNs claim on Taiwan loses further teeth as the US circles the wagons on their number 1 strategic position into the Asian gateway.

After losing Hong Kong (a war on criminal finance) to eastern dragons, Taiwan becomes the next strategic foothold. 
3) The Taiwan Travel Act was signed by both US House parties to streamline US official (and unofficial) relationships as the strategic positioning into Asia is being setup. Taiwan is not the goal, they are a foothold. Taiwan knows it has to pick a side.
4) Interestingly, this is proceeded by steps taken back in 2000 which saw a string of socialist presidents coming into power, most recent being Pres. Tsai Ing-wen. This direct attack on the people of Taiwan could only have been executed by dragons (CHN).
5) A counter by the Trump-led alliance can be seen here with both sides of the house passing the TAIPEI act of 2019. A big "W" in the alliance scorecard.

This sends a clear message sides of this war of control & attrition the strength of the Alliance.
A house divided will fall. But when both sides of the house are in alignment, nothing can stand against.

CHN has historically held strings of control over congress for decades, keeping both sides in a "power struggle" for optics, all while sending pallets of $ out the back door
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