Anyone who hosts a large event in violation of local ordinances needs to automatically be sentenced to a 30 day of jail term. This needs to be federal charges, not state.
These are causing super spreader events that are like tentacles going out into the community killing innocent people that had no connection to the event itself.
There must be some penalty for these selfish people. And with Republican states doing nothing, it falls upon the federal government to enforce these rules.
In addition to a 30-day jail term, these people must be required to do community service either at an emergency room, a mortuary or a cemetery where they are working with or burying COVID patients.
There also must be some sort of financial penalty. They must cover the cost for somebody in the hospital or pay for the burials of anybody that was killed based on their event.
Because until individuals are held accountable for their actions, through either a loss of freedom, forced community service or a financial penalty, they will continue to do selfish things. And the rest of us will suffer.

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