Balancing my feed with something personally vulnerable. 

I’m currently in Spain recovering from gender affirming surgeries that I have wanted for the longest time and have finally been able to access.
Taking my time to heal, focus and get my strength up as I get back on my feet. In a lot of pain but also feeling excited for this next chapter of feeling freer within my body. I wish people knew how difficult medically transitioning is, it’s exhausting.
It isn’t glam, it isn’t embarked upon on a whim. It is a physical, emotional and mental investment that serves to exponentially improve our quality of life. But many trans people don’t have the support, means or resources to be able to access it for themselves.
Behind every social media profile is a person with a private life, with a mental health history, with body image issues & navigating difficult personal decisions. We all put our best foot forward because life is fucking hard & sometimes it’s an escape to feel your fantasy.
But social media is a veneer and should be taken with a large pinch of salt. So ease up on each other’s appearances, whether “so and so has had such and such done”, is actually none of our business.
Surgery is a personal decision for whoever chooses to do it and everyone has their own mental health reasons which they may or may not feel comfortable enough to share with others.
We are all impacted by societal beauty standards and social media’s relationship with surgery is a difficult area to navigate. Personally I have no issue with being open about my surgery, as I think it helps educate those who don’t understand why someone would do it.
But that’s just me, not everyone is ready for that and that’s also okay.

Proud of who I was, who I am and excited about where I’m going. Still transitioning, still growing, still becoming myself. 

Love to you all.

MB x
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