Seriously: stop calling elected Republicans cowards for not recognizing the results of the election. They aren't cowards, they're traitors and an active part of eroding democracy and trying to install autocratic rule.

Calling them spineless or cowards gives them cover.
They NEED that cover right now because the plan is simple:

Hope like hell that confusion and pandemic stress leads to a successful coup. They'll only get away with it if they can claim they were cowardly victims of a mean idiot president. Stop helping them.
Journalist pals: when you say "boy these POWERFUL AND RICH ELECTED OFFICIALS are cowards" what you do is cast them as victims. They are not. They are the ones denying aid and inflicting harm on our most vulnerable people.

Cruelty isn't cowardice.
If they succeed in installing a second term of Trump or in inspiring the violence we all know is possible they will use every ounce of power they gain to inflict more cruelty.

If they fail they're going to lie and claim they were afraid of an idiot's wrath. This is not true.
And stop acting like merely getting a Democrat in office is the victory. Cops will still be killing unarmed black men. Poor people will still die from lack of access to medicine. It's time to fight like hell for our values, our communities, and our people — with eyes wide open.
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