Going to share my thoughts as a parent, who isn't an educator in this thread.

Last night, we began having a talk (again) about whether or not we need to switch our grade 11 son into online school after 5 cases and 6 classrooms were closed in the past 5 days at his school.
I can't begin to express how concerning it was to receive a call every single day, telling us of a new case after another, followed by more classroom closures.

And this is happening at a high school were cohort sizes are under 15.
As expected, our son was immediately against the idea of switching to fully online, because last year was a big mess for him. He finds it very difficult to concentrate when he's fully online.

But we're giving him the weekend to decide.
Should I be upset that our son is disagreeing with us? No.

Because we shouldn't be having this conversation. @fordnation and @Sflecce should've just funded this school year accordingly, but they didn't.

Schools aren't safe. And they can't tell you otherwise.
I've always been against advocating for shutting down schools. I want schools to be funded accordingly so they're safe, but the outbreaks are happening. 5000+ cases in schools.

If you're not going to fund schools properly, then you do need to shut them down.
I'm getting so sick and tired of half my email inbox to be the same letter from Peel Public Health telling us this many people tested positive at your childs school today, this many classrooms were closed, but the school is still safe.

No it's not safe. Stop lying.
I've spoken to several parents who go to the same school, and lots of them have switched their kids to online only. I wouldn't be surprised one bit to see the school empty next week.

Shame on you @fordnation @Sflecce
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