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My daughter is getting released from the hospital just as I type this. She's suffering from PTSD after being on the ventilator through her #COVID19 They kept her full of meds to stop the panic attacks but for some reason we are going home without any meds and I am...👇👇👇
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...afraid that as soon as the medication starts to wear out she will start having panic attacks again. I hope I'm wrong and this is the last hospital visit. If you have any ideas or experience on how to keep my daughter from having panic attacks please comment below👇👇 👇
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I haven't been able to work for a few months now & my benefits are not approved yet. I'm losing everything, my home, all my bills are way overdue & I really need your help.

Can you PLEASE do me a huge favor & consider helping me out👉 https://ko-fi.com/maggieresiststrump


Please read those two tweets below. https://twitter.com/Stop_Trump20/status/1329814540868067329?s=19
If you don't why my daughter ended up in the hospital again please read the below tweets. https://twitter.com/Stop_Trump20/status/1332759149113958400?s=19
You can follow @Stop_Trump20.
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