9 reasons why you fail and self-sabotage yourself without even realizing it.

A quote to frame the 9 reasons we will explore:

"You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated. In fact, it may be necessary to encounter the defeats, so you can know who you are, what you can rise from, how you can still come out of it."

― Maya Angelou
1) Not Trying

You fail not because of lack of knowledge or talent but because you didn't try

Sitting on the sidelines watching is a reason you fail

You may also lack persistence, giving up too quickly, expecting results in days/weeks, not months/years

Never quit until you win
2) Hedonism

You party
You eat lots of food
You watch lots of TV
You prioritize only fun in your life
And then you wonder why your life is hard
This point can underpin many others in this thread
Because a hazy head will make more excuses than solutions
3) Repeating Actions

We have all done this, repeating the same actions over and over again

Hoping this time they will work

This does not get you any closer to your goal

You need to look at your previous unsuccessful efforts and decide what to change...
Keep making adjustments using your experience as a guide

Keep Testing - Learning - Adapting

Until you get it right!
4) Rushing

Procrastination has killed more of your dreams than you care to realize

But pushing out substandard work because you created an arbitrary deadline

Or left yourself no time to review/improve, has killed just as many dreams

Give yourself space to do good work.
5) Not going all in

You lack conviction and take the middle of the road

But in the middle of the road, your dreams get run over

Decide what is important to you

If something is worth doing, it's worth doing right and doing well...
Going 100% in on one thing is easier than 80% on three things

Spreading yourself across many ideas usually means you don't get any done

Choose one thing at a time and do it well.
6) Excuses

Do you have a book full of excuses?

Does this book tell you why you can't succeed?

I bet you do, and it does!

I don't support burning books, but that is one book you need to burn...
Change your perspective; not every attempt is a failure

Few people succeed the first time

All of us attain our goals only through repeated struggle and effort

Ignore your excuses; most of them are only in your head!
7) Lack of Discipline

Discipline is the reason why anything worth accomplishing gets done

Discipline takes self-control, sacrifice, and avoiding distractions

It means staying focused; having smaller achievable goals

You might have this big vision of what success looks like...
Although that can be motivational, it might not be realistic for your actions today

If you don't break that big end-goal down into bite-size daily, weekly, and monthly milestones

Your discipline will suffer, leading to failure as you still feel so far away from your dream goal.
8) Poor Self-Esteem

This one is self-explanatory

Poor self-esteem creates a lack of self-respect and self-worth

Continuously questioning yourself and regretting every move,

Labeling yourself a failure (but you're not a failure until you stop trying!)...
Always think of yourself as someone striving towards a goal

This will help you maintain your focus and perseverance for the long game

And again, never quit until you win!
9) The successful are lucky

There are some of you out there that attribute success and failure to luck

If you are one of those people, you are wrong


Because regardless of your efforts, you resign yourself to your fate that whatever has to happen will happen anyway...
Meaning some of you don't even try because of this idea and resign yourself to failure

Don't do that

You might not have control over many parts of your life

But you have more control than you realize

You are responsible for your own happiness, success, and luck!
Your attitude towards these 9 points determines how far you can go in life

I hope you can now avoid these 9 traps!

Key summary:

Don't make excuses

Be more disciplined

Focus on fewer things

And never quit until you win 🙏
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